Dandruff is a common chronic scalp illness marked with flaking of skin on your scalp. Dandruff is not contagious or severe. However, it may be embarrassing and at times hard to take care of. WHAT CAUSES DANDRUFF? You might want to experiment with different hair products to find the ideal match, all these are hot products to aid with the milder cases of dandruff. This illness, among the most common causes of dandruff, is indicated by red, oily skin coated with flaky white or yellowish scales. Dry skin. Flakes from dry skin are usually smaller and less fatty than individuals from other causes of dandruff. And, inflammation or redness is not likely. You will most likely have dry skin on different areas of the human body, such as your arms and legs, also. WHAT ARE THE BEST DANDRUFF OIL TO Eliminate IT FAST? Hair Samrat is your formula to remove Dandruff, Hair Fall, White hairs, Split hairs, beard oil, white chest hairs, this really is actually the killer formula for ...